Platelet Rich Fibrin

Platelet Rich Fibrin
Our dentist and team are committed to finding new and innovative ways that we can help our patients have a more comfortable and convenient dental experience. As part of this commitment, our team at Silver Creek Dental Of Payson is pleased to utilize platelet-rich fibrin (PRF).
What is Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)? Patients who require a dental extraction typically need a bone graft to help keep their jaw bone strong after losing the support that a dental root provides. Having a strong jaw bone is especially important, particularly at the extraction site, if you are looking to replace your extracted tooth with a dental implant. In order to help speed up your recovery time after tooth extraction and bone graft, our dentist may use platelet rich fibrin (PRF). PRF is a provisional 3-dimensional fibrin matrix from your own blood. Fibrin is a natural protein that is used to clot blood during your body’s initial response to pain and bleeding. When used with your extraction or graft treatment, it can help your surgical site heal faster, thus making your recovery time shorter. Benefits of PRF In addition to speeding up your recovery process, there are several benefits to using platelet-rich fibrin, including:
- Its high number of growth factors, which are naturally found in the human blood centrifuge, reaches a supra-physiological dosage that assists in tissue regeneration.
- It can significantly decrease the rate or risk of infection up to 10 times, especially after a molar extraction and prior to or during implant placement.
- It results in less morbidity, according to patients. There is also less swelling and less of a need to use analgesics or other antibiotics after treatment.
- It can be used to replace high costs that are associated with bone grafts and barrier membranes.
- It provides greater overall patient satisfaction.
If you would like to learn more about how our dentist, Dr. Travis Storey, uses platelet-rich fibrin in Payson, Utah, we invite you to contact our office today at (801) 465-1810.