Emergency Dental Care Payson, UT 84651
If you are experiencing a life threatening emergency then please call 911. If your emergency is not life threatening then please give us a call or fill out our form below. For the fastest response please give us a call at (801) 465-1810
Emergency Dental Services
If you are experiencing pain, swelling, or bleeding and are in need of emergency dental services then please give us a call. Here are some of the emergency dental services that we provide. If you have any other dental emergency that is not listed below please give us a call as well.
- Knocked out tooth
- Tooth pain
- Dental implants
- Tooth extraction
- Painful cavity
- Cracked tooth
- Broken dentures
- Orthodontic emergencies
- Pediatric dental emergencies
- Any dental related pain
- Swelling
- Dental bleeding